『東京卍リベンジャーズ』公式スピンオフ!場地圭介と松野千冬、二人の出会いから別れまでの物語。芭流覇羅との抗争で壱番隊隊長・場地圭介を亡くした、副隊長・松野千冬はその死をまだ受け入れられずにいた。そんな時、彼の手元に生前の場地からの手紙が届く――。 “Tokyo Revengers“ official spin-off! The story of Keisuke Baji and Chifuyu Matsuno, from their first encounter to their separation. Chifuyu Matsuno, the First Division vice-captain, has not yet accepted the death of Keisuke Baji, the First Division captain, who died in the battle against Valhalla. At that time, a letter from Baji before his death arrives at his hand.